Crafting Your Own Healing Balm for Chapped Heels

Crafting Your Own Healing Balm for Chapped Heels

When I married my husband, he was struggling with severely cracked heels, an issue he’d dealt with for most of his life. As we started learning more about natural ways of living, I decided to look into natural remedies to address this problem. Cracked heels, especially during summertime, can be a hassle when our feet are more exposed, either while barefoot or in minimalist shoes.

Cracked heels aren’t just a cosmetic issue—they can be quite uncomfortable and range from mild discomfort to more severe pain and even bleeding. My husband and I met while walking across the country, so we’ve encountered cracked heels (along with blisters and shin splints) quite often, giving us some real-world experience with this issue.

There are several reasons why heels might crack. It’s easy to overlook, but just like other parts of our body, our feet need particular care, maybe even more so because they endure a lot of stress!

To tackle this, it’s crucial to identify the root cause of the problem. Often, the condition of our skin mirrors our internal health. Deficiencies in zinc, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids can lead to persistent cracked heels. We’ve seen improvements by making dietary changes, like eating foods rich in fat-soluble vitamins and adding gelatin to our diet.

In our household, we take omega-3 supplements daily and have made it a habit to consume wild-caught fish to ensure adequate omega-3 levels. Since zinc is particularly important for men’s health, my husband also regularly takes a zinc supplement.

Externally, factors like skin conditions or fungal infections might cause cracked heels. These can often be addressed with regular detoxifying foot soaks or by applying a concentrated salve.

As a rule of thumb, try any remedy consistently for a few weeks to check its effectiveness. The best results come from combining external treatments with dietary adjustments.

For treating cracked heels, apply the salve at night for maximum effectiveness. Here are the steps to follow:

Note: Avoid using oregano or peppermint essential oils on children or during pregnancy. Always consult a doctor if the condition doesn’t improve or if there are any specific health concerns.

There you have it! With some TLC, you can have beautiful, healthy feet ready for the summer! Have you experienced cracked heels? What natural remedies have you tried? Feel free to share!