How to Create Your Own Hair Growth Serum

How to Create Your Own Hair Growth Serum

Hormones play a big role in our overall health, and recently, I’ve noticed just how much they can impact hair and scalp health. After eight years of being pregnant and nursing my kids, my body was really worn out. With my hormones elevated for so long due to pregnancy and nursing, I finally experienced the dreaded postpartum hair loss.

During pregnancy, hair follicles often take a break less frequently, meaning women usually lose less hair. But once you have the baby, those postpartum hormones can make all those resting follicles catch up, leading to more hair loss than usual. It’s completely normal. After having five kids and dodging postpartum hair loss previously, it finally caught up to me this time.

Adding to the challenge, I went through a very stressful period, which only made the hair loss worse. Once I got a handle on my stress and hormonal balance, the hair loss stopped. However, I wanted to find a way to encourage faster hair growth and protect my hair and scalp during the summer.

That’s where this homemade hair growth serum comes in. While some women might seek help from a dermatologist or a beautician for hair troubles, I tend to head to my pantry for solutions. Just like my homemade hair spray, sea salt spray, and dry shampoo, this serum costs less than commercial products and skips the harsh chemicals.

This serum is made with herbs and essential oils that support scalp health and promote hair growth. Simply spray it on your roots once or more each day. I found it easiest and most effective to use it right before going to bed each night.

I sourced my nettle leaf and horsetail leaf from Mountain Rose Herbs and got natural aloe vera as well. I reused an old spray bottle, which is similar to this one. For the essential oils, any high-quality brand will do, though I usually order mine from Plant Therapy.

Have you experienced postpartum hair loss? What did you do to combat it? Feel free to share your experiences!