What Truly Motivates My Pursuit of Well-Being

What Truly Motivates My Pursuit of Well-Being

I don’t usually write personal posts, but this past weekend, I lost my grandmother, which got me reflecting on health and illness, life, and death. She was 91 and the only grandparent I had left. She taught me chess, painting, and played a crucial role in my faith. Her passing makes me sad, but I feel grateful as I finally had the chance to properly say goodbye to a grandparent. This gave us the opportunity to say things we often forget to, the things we should remind our loved ones of every day.

We shared our “I love yous” and talked about our cherished memories. She even met her newest great-grandchild. During our last conversation, surrounded by her children and grandchildren, she said something impactful: “I have accepted it and I am at peace.” Not many get to say that at the end, and it made me ponder why we do what we do in life. Often, the things we stress about aren’t that significant in the grand scheme of things.

In our final talks, she expressed gratitude for her children and her pride in them. She cherished helping others and was pleased her kids did too. Noticeably absent were regrets about losing weight after childbirth, stretch marks, or not having more money or material possessions.

Time is the most precious resource in life. We might make more money or replace belongings, but we all have the same 24 hours each day while we’re on this earth. We should be healthy not just to fit into old clothes or have perfect skin (though those are nice benefits), but to have more time to enjoy life’s blessings and live it to the fullest.

I hope, God willing, I reach 91 or more and can also say I am at peace, surrounded by loved ones. For now, I’ll focus on being healthy, not to look a certain way, but to be the best wife and mother I can be. And to enjoy many more days of listening to the little footsteps, even if sometimes they start at 5 AM.

Ultimately, at life’s end, what won’t matter are the material things. What will matter are the things often overlooked, things like the little feet I’m hoping to watch walk down the aisle one day. I want to be present for all the important moments in my children’s lives and eventually meet my grandkids.

I believe it all boils down to love, not in a vague sense, but in the daily, sacrificial choices we make. Love isn’t just a feeling but a decision we make every day. It forms the foundation of faith and relationships and fuels what truly matters. A new mother loves her baby not just because of emotion but from a selfless desire for the child’s well-being.

From my relatively brief time on this earth, what leaves me feeling peaceful and fulfilled are relationships where love is a selfless choice. I imagine at life’s end, those are the things that allow us to say, “I am at peace.”

So, what motivates you? Why do you strive to be healthy? Feel free to share.