Crafting Your Own Soothing Baby Foaming Wash (Simple DIY Guide)

Crafting Your Own Soothing Baby Foaming Wash (Simple DIY Guide)

There’s nothing quite as adorable or sweet-smelling as a baby fresh out of the bath! The trouble is, many of those fragrant baby washes can strip away natural protective oils and contain some not-so-great ingredients, especially in popular brands.

Luckily, there are excellent natural baby wash brands available, but they can be pricey. This homemade foaming baby wash is cheaper than store-bought options, easy to make, completely non-toxic, and smells just as sweet as any conventional baby wash.

Dirt actually helps build the immune system, particularly in kids and babies, so I don’t bathe my little ones daily. When I do, I often just use a microfiber cloth. But there are times—think diaper blowouts, upset stomachs, or meals turned hair decoration—when a proper wash is necessary.

When it’s time for a bath, it’s important to maintain your baby’s skin health with gentle products, targeting only the areas that need washing. (Yes, it’s perfectly fine to skip the rest!)

Certain essential oils are safe for babies aged three months and older. While adults often use a 1-5% dilution for skincare, it’s advisable to go for a .25% dilution for babies. The right concentration differs based on the essential oil and its purpose, but for safety and simplicity, the following recipes use the .25% concentration.

If you’re planning to use this foaming baby wash for an infant younger than three months, just skip the essential oils and stick to hydrosols, which are aromatic waters made from flowers and herbs and are less potent than essential oils.

These options are great not only for natural fragrance but also for their calming properties. You might think it’s odd for babies to be stressed, but they can easily become overstimulated. Bath time is a perfect chance to give them a soothing break from play—or, in our home, lively siblings!

Feel free to swap any of these hydrosols in the recipes below. Each offers different effects and benefits, but all are effective.

What are your favorite natural baby products? Are you interested in trying out one of these baby wash recipes?