Engaging Family-Friendly Block Art Project

Engaging Family-Friendly Block Art Project

When you look back on your childhood, what really stands out? Is it a favorite toy or a birthday gift? Probably not. Most likely, your fondest memories are of spending quality time with family, like reading together, cooking with your mom, or building forts in the yard.

Art can bring people together in the same special way. This simple Block by Block art project is something you can do a little bit every day with your whole family.

One easy way to incorporate quality family time without adding a lot of stress is to set up a regular Family Creativity Time. This can be during your homeschooling day or whenever fits best. It doesn’t have to be long—just 20 to 30 minutes can do the trick. Family Creativity Time can vary from day to day, or you can keep it consistent for a stretch of time. We use a mobile art station by the kitchen table for convenience.

You might find yourself working on the same thing alongside each other, or collaborating on a shared mission—whatever suits your family best. Personally, I like planning a theme or activity that lasts a few days or weeks, so I’m not scrambling for new ideas daily. The point is to relax and bond, not to stress!

Here are some helpful tips (learned the hard way!) for making it successful. Sometimes we grab coloring books or make cards, but our all-time favorite is the Block by Block art project! All you need is some paper and markers or pens. Plus, creating art has health benefits too!

Over the years, we’ve spent months experimenting with different versions of this project. The results are practical as well. We’ve created ones on canvas to give as gifts or hang as artwork.

To start, you’ll need a large sheet of paper for everyone to work on together—imagine what a cool keepsake it would be from your time spent together. We’ve also used smaller sheets, passing them around in a merry-go-round style, rotating to the next person each day.

Here’s how you can start your family Block by Block art: Grab your paper, a ruler, and a pencil. Fill the paper with boxes, each at least 2 inches wide. For instance, on an 8.5 x 11 sheet, you can make about 20 boxes.

Once you’re satisfied with the layout, trace over the lines with a thin black marker or pen.

For a bit of a challenge, especially for older kids, try making even smaller squares for a mosaic look. Keep in mind you’ll only be working on one square a day, so more squares mean the project lasts longer.

Next, use a pencil to draw a picture on the page. I used simple flowers and leaves for my example, but you could draw your house, a landmark, or something seasonal like stars and stripes for the Fourth of July. Keep it simple, focusing on basic shapes without too much detail.

Need help coming up with ideas? Try searching “preschool coloring pages.” They’re designed with just the right amount of simplicity. You can even print one and divide it into 2×2 boxes instead of drawing from scratch.

Now you’re ready to dive in! The idea is to “doodle” one complete box each day, adding colors and details as you like. The only rule is to have fun and do your own thing. The goal is not to copy what was done in the box next to yours but to make each box its own unique picture, leading to a creative patchwork result.

Here’s some advice: After a few days, kids might get excited and want to do more than one square a day. I suggest resisting the temptation and, if needed, start a second picture. The charm of your final piece often comes from the different moods and techniques used each day. Doing more than one square a day can make it too consistent, taking away some of the fun!

Once finished, hang your Block by Block art on the fridge or the wall and enjoy what you’ve accomplished together. These tips for displaying and organizing artwork might come in handy as your creative collection grows.

Do you have family art time? Will you give the Block by Block art a try? Let me know how it goes!