Homemade Nipple Cream for Breastfeeding Moms

Homemade Nipple Cream for Breastfeeding Moms

When I had my first child, I knew pregnancy might be uncomfortable and that labor would be tough. I was ready to be emotional post-birth. But what caught me off guard was that breastfeeding in the first few days could also be quite challenging!

It’s definitely worth it, don’t get me wrong. While the discomfort isn’t unbearable, ensuring your baby has a good latch right from the start can make a big difference. However, it wasn’t completely pain-free for me, despite what many people say. During the first week of nursing, I needed to take deep breaths and mentally prepare because it really was uncomfortable.

If you’ve breastfed before, you might understand what I mean. For those who haven’t but plan to, I wish someone had given me a heads-up!

A few days after my first baby was born, I struggled with breastfeeding and consulted a lactation expert who suggested lanolin cream. I tried it, but my condition worsened because it turned out I was allergic to lanolin!

I quickly stopped using it and wondered what might actually help. The allergy made me research and create my own nipple balm recipe, leading me to realize that lanolin wasn’t an ingredient I wanted to use, even if it didn’t cause a reaction.

Lanolin comes from sheep’s wool, extracted and processed into a cream. This presents issues for anyone allergic to wool (like me). There are also concerns about pesticide residues in wool, which can accumulate in body fat or breast milk.

Sheep often get treated with pesticides to manage pests, and most consume non-organic, GMO feed, traces of which can end up in the wool. Although organic lanolin exists from healthy sheep, it’s not easy to source.

Opinions vary about lanolin’s safety, with some claiming it’s perfectly safe. I personally didn’t want to risk it with my newborns. Popular nipple creams often contain concentrated lanolin, which can help with healing but also becomes part of what the baby consumes. Natural skincare alternatives can be effective too.

I was determined to make breastfeeding easier with my next two babies. So, I experimented with creating a natural nipple cream to soothe sore nipples. It’s also crucial to check for any issues like oral ties that might affect a baby’s latch!

There are some great pre-made nipple creams available now, but I preferred making my own since I already had the materials. If you’re looking to purchase one, there are good brands out there.

Given that this cream is essentially ingested by babies, I chose ingredients that are safe, natural, and unlikely to cause allergies. That’s why I avoided almond oil, beeswax, and coconut oil. Although I like these ingredients, they carry a slight allergy risk.

I also opted not to use essential oils in this recipe. While they are beneficial for skincare when used correctly, I didn’t want to introduce them internally to my babies.

Instead of potentially risky ingredients, I chose safer options for my nipple cream. The result was a slightly softer salve, which I found easier to apply. If you want it thicker, you could increase the cocoa butter or add a bit of beeswax, keeping in mind there’s a slight chance of allergies.

There’s some evidence that pesticides in non-organic beeswax could contribute to allergies. I usually use organic beeswax, but I skipped it this time just to be safe.

Here’s how you can make your own natural nipple cream: First, infuse your herbs into olive oil to preserve their benefits without leaving any residue. This can be done in one of three ways:

Once the infusion process is complete, strain out the herbs using a metal strainer lined with cheesecloth. You’ll end up with extra infused oil, which can be used for lotions or other recipes. If you want just enough for a single batch of nipple cream, use these ratios:

To use the nipple cream, apply it gently to your nipples and areola after breastfeeding sessions to prevent soreness.

Have you ever used nipple cream or lanolin? How did it work for you?