A Personal Tale: My 26-Hour Journey to a Natural Birth in the Hospital

A Personal Tale: My 26-Hour Journey to a Natural Birth in the Hospital

After a difficult first hospital birth, I knew I wanted a different experience this time, with a more supportive provider. I chose a group of nurse midwives who practiced under a doctor and delivered in a hospital setting. I was thrilled they encouraged me to create a birth plan to share with all the midwives beforehand.

At each prenatal visit, the midwives took the time to answer my questions, even the unexpected ones about who could be in the delivery room or the hospital’s birthing equipment. When it came to discussing post-birth contraceptives, my desire for more children seemed to surprise them.

At 20 weeks, we had another ultrasound. We decided to learn the baby’s gender for practicality since my mother-in-law was planning a baby shower. While I hoped for a boy for a close bond with our first child, a part of me wished for a daughter. My husband was convinced it would be another boy. When it was confirmed we were having a girl, we were thrilled.

This pregnancy flew by with a toddler to chase after. A chance conversation at a wedding with a mother of nine shifted my perspective on natural birth. She shared that birth should not be something to fight but rather embraced with relaxation to ease the process. Inspired, I dived into more research, reading books such as “Childbirth Without Fear” and Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth, which changed my view of birth as a natural, joyous event to be experienced without fear.

As my due date approached, we assembled a supportive team for the hospital, including my mom, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law, and packed a “birth bag” filled with comfort items. Feeling prepared, I was calm and confident that this birth would be different.

Labor began two days before my due date with light contractions. We attended Mass that morning, and by afternoon, our home filled with visiting family, creating a crowded atmosphere that slowed my labor. My husband and I took walks to encourage progress. By dinnertime, labor continued steadily, and we went out for a meal, which surprisingly helped things pick up again.

Finally, later that night, contractions intensified. By the middle of the night, with contractions becoming stronger, my husband and I decided to head to the hospital. With my water breaking shortly after we arrived, I entered the intense pushing phase, feeling a mixture of anticipation and fear. It was a surreal experience, both challenging and empowering, as I surrendered to the process.

Shortly after, our daughter was born, arriving just as I had hoped: naturally and without any interventions. The immediate bond and rush of emotions were overwhelming. Holding my new baby, I felt an immense joy and energy. The experience was everything I wished for—calm, supportive, and empowering.

Leaving the hospital the next day, I was filled with gratitude for a healthy daughter and a birth experience that was both transformative and satisfying. This journey made me a strong advocate for natural birth, eager to share this empowering perspective with others.