Cultivating Your Own Microgreens: A Guide to Thriving Greens

Cultivating Your Own Microgreens: A Guide to Thriving Greens

Microgreens have become quite popular these days. They’re similar to sprouts, but they need soil and sunlight, or a grow light, to grow. Basically, microgreens are tiny versions of greens, herbs, or other vegetables. Like sprouts, they are loaded with nutrients and beneficial enzymes due to how quickly they grow.

While you might often see them in gourmet dishes because of their delicate taste and fancy presentation, growing microgreens at home is quite easy and affordable once you have the necessary supplies. With the right tools, you can have a constant source of fresh vegetables right on your kitchen counter all year round.

One advantage of microgreens over sprouts is that they are grown in open air and soil, reducing the slight risk of bacterial growth seen in sprouts. When it comes to microgreens, you only eat the stem and leaves, not the seed and root like with sprouts.

Some of the most popular plants for growing microgreens include a variety of greens and herbs. You can actually use any edible plant that’s completely edible from root to leaves, but the common ones not only taste the best but also add vibrant color and flavor to salads and serve as great garnishes for meats and other dishes.

To enjoy microgreens, just snip them right above the soil with kitchen scissors, rinse them with filtered water, and mix them into salads or use them to garnish nearly any dish.

Ever tried growing something indoors?