5 Must-Have Oils for My Daily Routine

5 Must-Have Oils for My Daily Routine

I get asked about essential oils more than almost anything else, probably because they’re so popular now. My family uses them every day in our personal care items, homemade cleaners, and as natural remedies.

Here are the five essential oils we use the most:

We love using lemon and other citrus oils by diffusing them in the air. I also add 10-15 drops of lemon or orange oil to all my homemade cleaning products for a fresh scent without chemicals. Lemon has natural antibacterial, antiviral, and antihistamine properties, making it great for insect bites or wound salves. I often add lemon or sweet orange oil to our homemade shampoo because the scent is energizing, and there’s some evidence that lemon can help with hair growth. I also use lemon and orange in my honey face wash or oil cleansing blend at night. However, we avoid using citrus oils on our skin when we’re going to be in the sun, as they can increase sun sensitivity.

Peppermint is another favorite of mine to diffuse because it’s said to boost mental clarity and is invigorating. I use it in my homemade remineralizing toothpaste and lotion recipes, and it’s also in my homemade vapor rub. When I’m not pregnant, I apply it to my feet for nausea or upset stomach and to my neck for headaches. It’s an ingredient in our homemade bug spray, and I mix peppermint and lavender with apple cider vinegar and water to cool sunburns, though we rarely get them now since changing our diet.

I adore the scent of lavender oil and use it as an air freshener. It’s said to aid digestion, support skin health, stimulate hair growth, and help with stress. I sometimes add a drop of lavender and lemon to bug bites or burns to soothe them and use it with peppermint for headaches or sunburns. Lavender is also in many of my homemade beauty products.

Oregano oil reminds me of Italian food, and I love its natural antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiparasitic properties. It’s very potent, so it should always be diluted for topical use. During severe illnesses, I diffuse oregano in the air. It’s not the most pleasant scent, but it works! Oregano is antiparasitic, and a recent stool test showed I have no intestinal parasites. Most people do, but I credit my use of oregano oil and a diet rich in probiotic foods for my lack of parasites.

I’ve used oregano effectively for various purposes. I also use a specific blend called Germ Destroyer from my favorite oil brand. It’s designed to be kid-safe, so I don’t worry about safety. It contains spruce hemlock, marjoram, lavender, rosalina, and lemon. It smells amazing and is naturally disinfecting. I use it in everything from homemade cleaning spray to illness prevention, but my favorite uses are:

I get my essential oils from Plant Therapy because they’re backed by Robert Tisserand and have lots of information on their blog. I especially love their Kid-Safe Blends, which make buying oils for family use much easier. Another great source is Vibrant Blue Oils, which offers high-quality, targeted blends for various conditions. You can learn more about their products on a Wellness Mama Podcast episode. Their oils are designed for specific purposes and are therapeutic doses.

Note: Essential oils can be dangerous if used incorrectly. This post discusses some risks and considerations when using them.

Do you use essential oils? Which ones do you use? Let me know!