Craft Your Own OxiClean Stain Remover

Craft Your Own OxiClean Stain Remover

At my house, stains are just a part of life, even when we used to rely on store-bought cleaning products. By the time my kids finish with their clothes, they’re usually covered with holes or stains that can’t be fixed, making hand-me-downs impossible.

Among all the stain removers I’ve tried, OxiClean stands out as one of the most natural options. I actually started making my own version because it’s even cheaper than buying it from the store. Thanks to Pinterest, I found a recipe for homemade OxiClean that, after testing it on my kids’ stained clothes for a couple of weeks, seems just as effective as the commercial version. Plus, it’s super easy and affordable to whip up!

Kids can notoriously wreck their clothes with grease, food, and grass stains. A few years back, I might have thought that only conventional laundry detergents could tackle those stubborn marks, seduced by commercials promising instant results. But I soon realized that chemicals were not something I wanted around my home. There are also environmental concerns, like phosphates contributing to toxic algae blooms, and while many places ban them, not all do.

Since our clothes are in contact with our skin all day, prolonged chemical exposure builds up. Now that my older kids do their own laundry, I prefer them not handling toxic products. There are plenty of healthier, yet still effective, alternatives.

I first discovered OxiClean at a local grocery store when my kids were younger. Its ingredients are pretty basic, and the “Free” version is even cleaner than the standard one. OxiClean is essentially washing soda mixed with hydrogen peroxide, forming sodium percarbonate once combined. If you mix them at home, you’ll notice lots of bubbles and foam, which is why I prepare it fresh for new stains. Once the reaction calms, the mixture keeps releasing gas, potentially causing a sealed spray bottle to burst.

Since I started using this homemade formula, I found another brand, Truly Free, that meets my strict criteria for non-toxic laundry products. They offer a ready-made option if you prefer not to DIY, with their Oxyboost stain remover.

The effectiveness of stain removers can vary depending on the fabric. But I’ve generally found that this DIY OxiClean works well on most items. Here’s a quick rundown on tackling specific stains: address them as soon as you notice, as older stains are tougher to remove. Don’t dry a stained shirt until the mark is gone. For set-in stains, I soak clothes in warm water and my homemade OxiClean (or Oxyboost) for several hours before washing as usual.

I used to rely on baking soda for spot treatment and odor control, but I’ve found washing soda is more effective on both linens and clothes. For especially stubborn stains, I pre-treat with a paste using the homemade recipe before laundering. If you need to cover a larger area without getting messy, use a spray bottle but don’t store this stain remover for more than a few hours. Any leftover liquid can just be tossed into the washing machine with your laundry.

It’s best to prepare this solution fresh and keep the ingredients on hand to mix small batches as needed. Here are some common issues and solutions you might encounter with your DIY stain remover:

– If your bottle expands or bursts, don’t mix a full bottle. Use it as needed within a few hours because hydrogen peroxide releases gas when it reacts with washing soda, causing expansion and losing potency if stored.

– If your ingredients clog the bottle, try applying it as a paste instead. It might be that the washing soda hadn’t fully dissolved—try using hotter water.

– If washing soda clumps form, dissolve it in hot water before adding the hydrogen peroxide.

– If it’s not effective, ensure the hydrogen peroxide isn’t too old or consider treating the fabric again.

What’s the strangest stain you’ve faced? Have you tried making your own laundry solutions before? Share your stories!