Crafting a Soothing Herbal Throat Spray

Crafting a Soothing Herbal Throat Spray

There was a really rough time when all five of our kids caught a stomach bug simultaneously while I was away, and my husband got it too. We don’t usually get sick often, but this was a nightmare, and I wasn’t around to use our natural remedies.

That was the only time they all got sick at once, but usually, at least one of the kids ends up with a stuffy nose or cough during the winter. Sometimes, I even trigger my own hay fever while cleaning the closet, leading to a few days of coughing and congestion.

In these situations, I like to have an herbal throat spray ready. It’s great for soothing sore throats, coughs, or congestion. This spray is basically a potent herbal tincture mixed with raw honey. The herbs offer quick relief and help fight off illness over time. You can use any herbs you have, but I prefer these:

All of these are optional, so if you don’t have some, you can still make it with the others. You’ll create an herbal tincture with the herbs and mix it with raw honey for a powerful spray. Stored in the fridge, this spray can last for months.

To make the tincture, I mix 1 tablespoon each of dried Echinacea, Ginger, Marshmallow Root, Elderberry, Thyme, and Mint, plus 1 teaspoon of dried cayenne pepper (optional) in a pint-sized mason jar. I pour 1/4 cup of boiling water over the herbs to extract their benefits, then fill the rest of the jar with a strong food-grade liquor like rum or vodka (at least 40% alcohol).

Seal it with an airtight lid and let it sit for at least two weeks or up to a year—the longer, the stronger. Store it in a cool, dark place. I make this once a year, and it lasts us at least that long.

If you’re new to herbal remedies, I have a full tutorial on making herbal tinctures. If you prefer not to use alcohol, you can make a vegetable glycerine tincture or just brew a strong tea and mix it with honey. If you want to use the full herbal mix but don’t have weeks to wait, you can make a two-hour tincture using a quicker method.

If you don’t want to make your own, there’s a pre-made version that’s similar and works well, but I find the homemade one tastes better and is more effective.

If you catch a cough, sore throat, or cold this winter, try this herbal throat spray for some relief and to feel better soon! Do you ever get a sore throat or cough? What remedies do you use?