Healing Power of Dit Da Jow: A Herbal Pain Solution

Healing Power of Dit Da Jow: A Herbal Pain Solution

Last year, our entire family decided to try Jujutsu. We all really enjoy it, although the rolls, throws, and climbing maneuvers seem to come more naturally to the kids! Any activity involving wooden swords and lots of rolling around is bound to leave us with some bumps and bruises.

After one particularly tough class that left us aching, our Sensei introduced us to a traditional herbal remedy known in Asia for years for pain relief and quick healing—Dit Da Jow, which translates to “hit wine medicine.” Essentially, it’s a herbal tincture filled with healing herbs. Generally, martial artists have used Dit Da Jow as an analgesic liniment. Martial arts masters often create a special mix of aromatic herbs like myrrh and ginseng, which help increase circulation, reduce pain and swelling, and enhance the healing of injuries. This tradition became known as “hit medicine.” People have found this liquid analgesic helpful for easing muscle soreness and discomfort from arthritis and rheumatism.

I dived into researching traditional Dit Da Jow recipes, which are hard to come by since many are guarded as secret family recipes. Eventually, I discovered a blend that works great for us using herbs available in the US. While it’s not true Dit Da Jow, it’s been very effective for our bumps and bruises and aids in quicker recovery from other injuries. We keep it handy for those reasons. There are store-bought versions of Dit Da Jow, but I haven’t tried them to compare their effectiveness.

As with any herbs, vitamins, or medications, it’s important to talk to a doctor before using Dit Da Jow, particularly if you’re pregnant or nursing. This remedy is for external use only. Using high-quality, organic, or wild-crafted herbs is important. Though it’s not cheap to make, it’s highly effective—I’ve seen it clear up bruises and pain overnight.

Do you make any herbal remedies? What’s your favorite? Feel free to share your thoughts!