Effective Natural Solutions for Speedy Cold and Flu Recovery

Effective Natural Solutions for Speedy Cold and Flu Recovery

When the flu hits or a cold leaves you feeling off, it’s definitely not a great time. But don’t worry, you’re not alone in these feelings! Luckily, there are natural remedies that can help strengthen your body’s natural defenses and speed up recovery if you do get sick.

I’ve shared before what’s stocked in my medicine cabinet and the five simplest natural remedies I frequently use. Given that flu season is upon us again, I thought it might be useful to expand on that information.

You’ve probably heard the saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” countless times. But how does this translate to warding off illnesses? Essentially, providing the body with necessary nutrients regularly can help it fend off harmful germs.

Lifestyle changes are crucial for maintaining good health and supporting the body’s optimal function. There are four key areas vital to our immune system that can’t be replaced by any natural remedy. These practices are meant to be part of your routine when you’re feeling well (so no working out once you’re down with the flu!). Sure, you might still catch something occasionally, but these methods make it less likely—and if you do get sick, natural remedies can help you bounce back more quickly.

Once someone in your family falls sick, there are plenty of natural treatments to reduce the illness duration and ease symptoms without harsh side effects. I’ve shared my entire go-to list below so you can choose what works best for you.

A MOM TIP: I suggest keeping these remedies in a basket or box that’s easy to reach. Include a list of how each one should be used. This way, if you’re the one feeling under the weather, someone else can help out.

While you might not have these items at home yet, they’re excellent additions to a natural “medicine” arsenal. I’ve previously discussed how herbs aid the body during recovery. These are my preferred choices, which you can purchase from reliable online sources or grow at home. Some options might also be available in supplement stores.

I believe that certain natural antibiotics can be more effective than store-bought ones. These are the ones I keep ready at all times.

When illness strikes, here’s what I refer to—a list taped inside my cabinet for anyone in the family when symptoms appear. It’s a lifesaver, even for me when I’m feeling down.

If I can only manage one action, it’s using a homemade herbal tincture. Even on tough days, I can reach into the cabinet and use this for immediate immune support. It’s easy to make, but it does need to steep for at least two weeks (or up to two months), so don’t wait! I find it works better than Tylenol or cough syrups, and it’s healthier too. Note, it’s safe for everyone over the age of two.

Just a quick disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, and I don’t claim to be one. I can’t diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any illness. If you have health concerns, please consult your family doctor. It’s important to research natural remedies to ensure they’re safe for you and your family. I do earn a small commission from the above-mentioned links, which helps keep the site running, without affecting your cost. Feel free to visit the site directly if you prefer. If you’re pregnant or nursing, please talk to a healthcare professional before using any herbs or supplements.

Do you have natural remedies that help tackle the flu or other illnesses? Feel free to share them!