9 BPA-Free and Safest Bottles and Sippy Cups for Your Peace of Mind

9 BPA-Free and Safest Bottles and Sippy Cups for Your Peace of Mind

I recently posted an Instagram picture of my youngest daughter, and many people asked about the metal bottle she was using. It occurred to me that I’ve never shared the kinds of bottles and cups we use for our kids at home. We’ve always opted for BPA and plastic-free options for our children since they were born, particularly avoiding plastic when they’re very young. As I’ve mentioned before, a lot of plastics contain chemicals that can disrupt hormones, especially risky for pregnant women and children.

The most known chemical is bisphenol-a, or BPA, which acts similarly to estrogen in the body. However, there are other plastic chemicals that can be equally harmful, so products labeled as BPA-free aren’t always safe. In fact, they might contain other hazardous chemicals. These chemicals are present in large amounts in groundwater, many water supplies, and even the ice in Antarctica, showing that plastic pollution is more widespread and potentially dangerous than we once thought.

Our family steers clear of plastics and uses alternatives instead of plastic water bottles. I’m particularly diligent about plastic-free choices for our babies and toddlers because they are more sensitive to plastic chemicals. After looking into many alternatives to regular plastic baby bottles and sippy cups, I’ve found nine options that I trust with my children, starting with my favorite. For the first six months, our kids nurse exclusively, so I lean towards sippy cups over bottles, though the bottles we’ve used when I’ve pumped have been great too.

My top choice for sippy cups, which my little ones frequently use, is a stainless steel bottle with a steel lid and a silicone straw or nipple, making it completely plastic-free. It’s the only fully plastic-free bottle I’ve found and it’s very durable; I’ve put ours in the dishwasher with no issues. The only downside is older children can eventually chew through the silicone nipples or lids, but these are replaceable.

It’s important to note that some recent reports mentioned lead in the bottom seal of the insulated Pura bottles. I still love this brand but recommend using the non-insulated ones that are lead-free, which is what I use for my daughter.

When we’ve used baby bottles, I’ve chosen Born Free Glass Bottles with silicone nipples. My babies did well with them after six months, and I appreciate that they’re glass and easy to clean.

Lifefactory makes glass bottles for babies as well as older kids or adults that come with a silicone sleeve, making them less likely to break. They’re also easy to clean and dishwasher-safe. We have a baby bottle and a regular bottle, and they’ve both been reliable.

EcoVessel is a favorite for my older kids for its insulation that keeps drinks hot or cold. I do advise against using milk or juice in it since residue in the lid can cause an odor. I stick to using it for water. It’s not dishwasher safe, though.

My husband and I have used Klean Kanteen bottles for years. They also make stainless steel baby bottles and reusable bottles for older kids. Our stainless steel bottles are dishwasher-safe and are great for sports and camping trips.

Another option is a glass sippy cup with a silicone spout and sipper, protected by a plastic outer casing. It’s well-designed, but the lid can be tricky and might leak if not secured correctly.

Avent Glass Bottles are another excellent glass option. We’ve used them with natural nipples, and even breastfed babies seem to take these bottles easily. They’re also dishwasher-safe and easy to clean.

We have stainless steel kids’ bottles that are dishwasher-safe and a favorite among my children. Each child has a different color. My only issue is the little bit of plastic in the lid, which is why I prefer Pura bottles.

At home, we use stainless steel drinking cups instead of bottles. These small, dishwasher-safe steel cups are my favorite.

What do your children drink out of? Have you tried any of these options? Which would you recommend?