Holistic Puppy Care: Nutrition and Healing Solutions

Holistic Puppy Care: Nutrition and Healing Solutions

Our family recently welcomed a new puppy into our home after saying goodbye to our beloved dog, Daisy, a few months back. Since then, I’ve been diving into research and chatting with friends who are puppy care experts, as well as holistic vets, to ensure we’re giving him the healthiest start possible.

Our puppy’s name is Frazier, and my kids are absolutely enchanted by him. He’s a Goldendoodle mix and has a great personality, especially around the kids.

To keep Frazier healthy for years to come, we started feeding him a raw diet, following the vet’s suggestion. He’s actually our first indoor dog, which isn’t my husband’s first choice, so I’m exploring natural ways to protect Frazier from common pests without using any harmful chemicals around the kids.

Here’s a look at the natural foods and remedies we’re currently using for our new little guy. I’m sure this list will grow over the months and years ahead.

Just like us, dogs have a complex mix of bacteria in their gut that’s crucial for their health. While many sources suggest giving dogs unsweetened yogurt for an upset stomach, I found a better option: puppy probiotics!

A vet friend recommended these Puppy Probiotics to help build Frazier’s gut bacteria. They contain a blend of prebiotics, probiotics, digestive enzymes, l-glutamine, and natural immunoglobulins for parvovirus. Another pet probiotic that’s simple to use—I just sprinkle it on his food—comes from Just Thrive. It’s the same brand that offers human probiotics I frequently recommend.

When we first brought Frazier home, he was eating high-quality grain-free dry dog food, which was fine, but I wanted to transition him to a raw food diet. Our vet advised that major dietary changes could upset a puppy’s stomach, so we made sure he was getting probiotics and gradually switched him to raw foods. I also outlined the diet we’re following and how we made the transition in another post.

We’re in the middle of training Frazier, and any seasoned dog owner will tell you that treats can really help encourage good behavior. I didn’t want to rely on store-bought treats, so I whipped up a batch of our usual homemade dog treats in mini 1/2 teaspoon sizes for training. Now, I keep a jar of these in the fridge for practice sessions.

One idea from a holistic dog care book suggested using brewed chamomile tea in various ways. It’s been useful in calming situations.

I love Epsom salt baths for myself and learned that magnesium in Epsom salts can benefit dogs too. We haven’t needed this yet, but a book mentioned that Epsom salt baths can help with wound recovery, skin infections, and rashes. Of course, you should always consult your vet first.

I’ve used Diatomaceous Earth, or DE, as a natural pest control at home and as an internal cleanser for years; it’s great for dogs as well. DE is made of fossilized algae with a unique structure that makes it perfect for eliminating bugs like fleas and gently cleansing the digestive system, strengthening hair, skin, and nails due to its silica content. Although the particles are sharp, they’re not harmful to human tissue but are effective against insect exoskeletons.

For dogs,